Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to Work

I started back to work on August 3rd. My mom came up to keep Mackenzie since she couldn't start at daycare until the 17th. She kept a log of M's activities, including feedings, diaper changes, and whatever other little things that go on during a 9 week old's day. I had planned a post where I would list out what was going on with Mackenzie and me at various hours throughout the day. Unfortunately, the log my mom was keeping on our computer wasn't saved, and then our computer crashed (more about that later). Needless to say, no log, and now, no energy to fully discuss the events of a day that's 3 weeks past. In general, M's day was pretty ordinary - I don't think she even noticed I was gone! The high points of my day included:
  • Using jumper cables to get my car started that morning
  • Realizing on the way to work that I left some nursing mom supplies at home
  • Stopping at Target to pickup supplies (needed 2 items... purchased 5 items; only 1 of the needed items was among the 5 purchased)
  • Arriving at work to find my desk had no electricity
  • Setting up a temporary workspace in the conference room and deciding that it surely must be almost time to go home (it was only 11am)
There were a few other hiccups during the afternoon, but let it suffice to say I was happy to see this sweet girl that evening.

Note: Picture taken on Sunday (8/16/09). First day back to work was not captured on film for posterity (probably a good thing).

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